Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??

/ บทความโดย: Venom-Crusher , 21/01/2010 14:49, 14,835 views / view in EnglishEN

EVEREST Ultimate Edition

ev1 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev2 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev3 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev4 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev5 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev6 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev7 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??.

ev8 Core i3 & Core i5 32nm with DDR2000+??

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