MSI Prestige 15 A10SC with Intel Core i7 Gen 10th Review

/ บทความโดย: tpp , 13/04/2020 22:59, 84,702 views / view in EnglishEN


SuperPI Series

superpi MSI Prestige 15 A10SC with Intel Core i7 Gen 10th Review


x264 MSI Prestige 15 A10SC with Intel Core i7 Gen 10th Review

ผล Benchmark นั้นได้ที่ 37.6 fps เร็วใช้ได้เลย เสียงพัดลมจะเริ่มได้ยินพอควรเมื่อมีโหลดหนักๆแบบนี้


AIDA Cache & Memory Benchmark

aida ram MSI Prestige 15 A10SC with Intel Core i7 Gen 10th Review


WinRAR Benchmark

winrar MSI Prestige 15 A10SC with Intel Core i7 Gen 10th Review


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