Ultimate Project 8 : ศึกอภินิหารถล่มบัลลังก์เทพ

/ บทความโดย: admin , 28/10/2007 21:40, 753 views / view in EnglishEN

Set up system. Ready to rock!


WJ79er”s metre was installed @ copper base so we know exact temperature and it’s quite accurate


This is all admins


After this one we’re gona have a party


This is a nerd!


Ready to test but without DICE and no problem occurred


Then, Dice and we’ll see.่!!!


CPU Intel Core2 Duo E6700 ES
Mainboard DFI Infinity P965 Dark
Memory CellShock PC8000 4-4-4-12 1024mb*2
Graphic Card

Sapphire HD2900Pro 512MB 512-bit GDDR3

Harddisk WD ”AAKS” 400 GB SATAII
PSU TT ToughPower 1200W
CPU Cooler Custom  Dryice Container kit
VGA Cooler Stock Cooling


Bookmark บทความ : Zickr Kudd Duocore Techkr aJigg Oncake Lefthit Meetgamer Siamcollective TagToKnow Dunweb Digza

Ultimate Project 8 : ศึกอภินิหารถล่มบัลลังก์เทพ

/ บทความโดย: admin , 21/10/2007 03:47, 0 views / view in EnglishEN

Set up system. Ready to rock!


WJ79er”s metre was installed @ copper base so we know exact temperature and it’s quite accurate


This is all admins


After this one we’re gona have a party


This is a nerd!


Ready to test but without DICE and no problem occurred


Then, Dice and we’ll see.่!!!


CPU Intel Core2 Duo E6700 ES
Mainboard DFI Infinity P965 Dark
Memory CellShock PC8000 4-4-4-12 1024mb*2
Graphic Card

Sapphire HD2900Pro 512MB 512-bit GDDR3

Harddisk WD ”AAKS” 400 GB SATAII
PSU TT ToughPower 1200W
CPU Cooler Custom  Dryice Container kit
VGA Cooler Stock Cooling


Bookmark บทความ : Zickr Kudd Duocore Techkr aJigg Oncake Lefthit Meetgamer Siamcollective TagToKnow Dunweb Digza