HELP!! My computer can't POST!!
If your computer didn't POST, don’t despair. Here's a list of things you should verify and try, one after the other.
1. Do you have the proper BIOS version installed?
*For those with Asus motherboards, please update your bios to the latest version. It fixes significant problems encountered with unlocking.*
2. Is ACC or NCC enabled? For Asus/Gigabyte motherboards, how about "Unleashing" and "EC Firmware"?
3. Did you incrementally increase Vcore from 1.325 to 1.4v? 4. Did you incrementally increase Vcpu-nb from 1.2 to 1.35v after trying to increase Vcore?The voltage boosts may be needed when making the fourth core stable enough to boot into windows.
If your computer still doesn't POST, then most likely your disabled cores are defective. In general, the unlocking process is really that simple. There are no hidden options or tricks.