Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review

/ บทความโดย: tpp , 14/05/2020 21:28, 97,565 views / view in EnglishEN


SuperPI Series

superpi Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review


x264 Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review

ผล Benchmark นั้นได้ที่ 12.5 fps เร็วใช้ได้เลย เสียงพัดลมจะเริ่มได้ยินพอควรเมื่อมีโหลดหนักๆแบบนี้


AIDA Cache & Memory Benchmark

cpuid Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review

aidacache Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review


WinRAR Benchmark

winrar Acer Swift 3 with Intel Core i5 GEN 10th Review


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